Life at work is about to get easier for you!

SweetApp Communitation & Reputation Pro

Get your core communications under control. Delight your customers with prompt and professional communications. After service, use the Reputaion Sweet to invite your clients to share their exceptional experiences at your business with others!

Streamline your agenda - Sync and automate your calendar and customer conversations

SweetApp Advanced

SweetApp Advanced includes tools to put your work tasks on cruise control. Keeping you updated and organized with AI and automation.

You can configure SweetApp Advanced yourself if you're tech-savvy. Otherwise, we recommend consulting with our agency partner company, Click Theory for configuration and management support.

Choose a Plan

SweetApp Packages

Communication & Reputation Pro



Cancel Anytime

Consolidate and streamline all your customer communication channels - Automate your online reviews

  • Missed call text-back

  • Text messages

  • Website chat widget

  • Website booking & contact forms

  • Facebook messages

  • Instagram DM's

  • Emails

  • Request reviews on Google

  • Reply to reviews on Google

  • Dispute unfair Google reviews

  • SweetLocal reports: Super useful Google ranking and local ranking reports

  • Up to 5 team members included

  • Free 1:1 onboarding with a Success Manager

Advanced - Business Automation



Cancel Anytime

Get your team automated and in sync

  • Everything in Com & Rep Pro

  • Complete automation suite

  • Sync your and your team's calendars

  • Powerful CRM

  • Customer surveys

  • Sync Facebook lead-generation ads to your communications and CRM

  • Sync TikTok lead gen ads to your communications and CRM

  • Up to 15 team members included

Enterprise - Complete Business Communication and Marketing Automation

Contact Us


Complete communication and marketing automation for your business

  • All features are included

  • Compete communication and marketing automation

  • White-glove onboarding

  • Complete training for you and your team

  • Custom solution developed just your business

  • Dedicated support by phone, chat and web

  • Up to 200 team members

Extended Services with Our Agency Parnter

Take your work automation and online marketing to new heights with our agency partner Click Theory.

The team at Click Theory are top-notch web developers specializing in connecting brick & mortar businesses to the web. Connect your real-world business tools to your website and other online tools like SweetApp!

Click Theory | Crafting Web Solutions for Brick & Mortar Businesses

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